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Showing posts from June, 2018


hi guys it has been a while since i wrote my last blog so i wanted to share this story that just happened today so let's begin! around last month or two we had to raise our own Earthworms to cut they were soooo small back then but when we cut them open they were normal sized! anyways my friend was a bit scared i saw that his hand was shaking a bit when he was cutting the Earthworm so then i asked him why he was shaking when the thing was over and he said "it's because i was sacred to make the organs explode and stuff" they don't really explode it's just when you accidently cut the organs out well ummm let's just say that that is your problem mate cause ummm it is a mess just a mess so yeah so that was the reason why my friend was a bit scared anyways my other friend made it a mess a bit but it was okay so yeah that is pretty much it so see yeah next time bye!!