Hello everyone today I will be talking about an event Be Internet Awesome that I went to on Valintine's day at Phaya Thai School (โรงเรียนพญาไท). The event was about a game that Google made called Interland. I wrote about it before on my blog ( Interland - Be Internet Awesome from Google ). So to keep it simple the game was made for kids to play and to let kids know about the hackers and other bad things about the internet. The game teaches about 5 being able to think before you do something, being able to detect fake news, how to make a strong password, being kind to others and lastly if you have any questions you can ask. To put it all in order is Smart, Alert, Strong, Kind and Brave . Share with Care (Be Internet Smart) : What you share online has the potential to be forwarded, copied and found. Don’t Fall for Fake (Be Internet Alert) : Always think critically before acting online; if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Secure Your Secrets (Be Inter...