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Showing posts from April, 2018

FASHION-ISLAND with new stuff!!!

hi guys it is me focus! it has been a while huh? like one month? whatever anyways today i am going to talk about fashion-island it is famous mall near my school and now it has an upgrade and what do you mean by upgrade focus? well now it has A FREAKING ICE-SKATING PLACE AND AN ARCADE!!! THE MOVIES THERE WELL ARE ALL NOW UPGRADED IT LOOKS BRAND NEW AND IT NOW HAS AN ARCADE!!! it was really cool i haven't even the whole place yet! there are soo cool! here are some photos and videos to show yeah all and i also ate pizza plus there was this game that i couldn't stop playing (sorry if it is to short .... -.-)

Happy Easter!

hey guys it is me focus and today i am talking about Easter! Easter yes that is right Easter! today is Easter well for me as i am christian i have to go pray in the church and the reason why we have to celebrate Easter because lord Jecus Christ died and then came back alive on the third day which is Easter! and the reason why we have eggs chickens and rabbits it is because they all share the same thing which is rebirth or awoken again i think so yeah and now you know why we celebrate for Easter so yeah i didn't do much otherwise praying for  christian so yeah just a normal day but with more eggs anyways that is all bye!