Hello, everyone, it is me Focus! and today I will talk about when I went to Fashion Island today again yes again so yeah let's get started it! So today my mom and I went to fashion island to try some Korean BBQ (there is literally one store in the entire mall that sells Korean BBQ actually). Anyways while waiting for dad to come we went to the laser place and played some laser games! So when we were gonna go pay I saw a sign it said " No Slippers" . . . I looked at my shoes with disappointment and then I told my Mom that we needed new shoes. so we went downstairs and got new shoes trainer shoes to be specific thanks mom! Anyways so we went back and then FINALLY BOUGHT THE TICKETS which was a long couple of minutes but it was fine. I went upstairs then my first match began . . . I lost just saying THEN my second match CAME IN TEAMS!!! Which was a lot better than solo there were people who didn't know how to play so I taught them how while also backstabbing them when they leave then immediately shoot there back (cause the back had 200 points so yeah). So I was number 2 which was an accomplishment (geez I don't know how to spell today). As I was saying we finally found the Korean BBQ restaurant and met up we dad and ate. MAN, I was a really tiring day today sweating a lot and all that stuff the food wasn't half bad it was ok but I want to try like pork belly or briskets which they didn't have. So yeah it was great and nice holiday on Sunday goodbye!

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