Hello everyone today I will talk about what I had to do during the first week of the weekends. It is a bummer and all to do work on a month with no school and work, but I have to do it. Let me explain, so my dad asked me in the car if I wanted to do some courses I said okay, but didn't really agree. I am the type of person that says okay to a lot of things. So my dad took me to a coding course that was okay. They gave us free food and cool robotic stuff to learn coding with, which was okay for me. So on the first day, I came and we did some activities to start off within the mourning. Next, we just did the basics of coding like how to flip a coin or pick a random number from 1 to 100. Stuff like that for example. Next, we were introduced to kid bright. Kid bright is a type of coding thing that you can code things to do. It was a temperature sensor, a light level sensor, a speaker and some led lights to draw pictures on. So we can animate in the computer or laptop and send that signal to kid bright and it will do what it says. You can buy a switch and a led light bulb to code with, but you will need another component for that. The next day we advanced it a bit, we could send messages or signals to another kid bright or turn on the light bulb. The next day we had to do a group project it was about what we could do with the kid bright in our houses? That what was we did the whole entire day trying to build our model for the presentation. Also kid bright was used to inspire children to learn computer programming. On their smartphones, tablets or computers. Children could use kid bright to learn the basics of programming and also extending their creativity.
Kid bright is from the NECTEC (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center) from Thailand. Kid bright is also pretty similar to the Microbit in the UK. Microbit can pretty much do the same thing as kid bright. Like they both have LED lights and both have buttons to command and make a game out of, but Microbit doesn't have a temperature sensor, a light level sensor or a speaker. Microbit does have a shaking command too it unlike kid bright and it is smaller as well. Fun fact NECTEC delivered 200,000 kid bright boards to schools nationwide. They are going to deliver more than 1,000 public schools last year in July. Anyways that is all for today thanks for reading bye!
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