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Showing posts from March, 2018

new stuff!

hi guys it is me Focus! and today and i am going talk about my brand new stuff! this stuff is google home it can do lots and lots of stuff control your TV control your lights and other stuff! you can play games and also enjoy movies with your family but you need to install apps such ass Spotify Netflix google assistant and google home app my dad also got a MacBook Pro it was so fancy! and great to and i don't know anything else my dad bought google home from online so yeah and i guess that is all not much for today but yeah so bye!


i don't have much to say but i will save some time that i went swimming a lot .... nothing else i went swimming and i had dinner near the beach but the hotel is near the beach so yeah and i played swimming with my friend and there was this one time when we were both bored his name was ten ten and then i got my  swimming cap and then i threw it and then we would both see who would get it first oh yeah and ten ten won the whole thing i lost badly

A-ONE HOTELS (part 1)

hi guys it is me focus and today i am going to talk about A-ONE HOTELS #notsponserd anyways enjoy! i went to this hotel with my uncle and my mum's friend let's call her nun nun so me and nun nun and uncle andrew went to this hotel oh yeah my parents weren't there because if i wanted to stay in the hotel i had to stay with them but not going i had to go back home and not stay so i checked in and stuff and first we had this very small room and nun nun's college wanted us to switched rooms so we did and the room was bigger it had a bath tub too! so it was a bit late and we wanted to go out swimming and it turned out that the swimming pool was closed right when we were there! so we went back and this was after we switched rooms so we switched rooms and moved all the stuff and then we slept ok that is all for part 1 bye! and i have no picture >:(


hi guys it is me focus and today i am going to talk about parkour i have been practicing parkour if you don't know what parkour is well then search it up then! i only know a bit of parkour in real life and stuff so yeah what ever i also like to parkour because when i am chased or being caught or kidnapped i would use stunts or parkour to get out of our way out anyways that is all bye!                                                                                                    

getting lost (well almost)

hi guys it is me focus and as you can see by the title of the blog and you get it but no i am not lost right now i am at home right now  i am at home i am okay anyways we were at the beach with my mom's friends since high school like 34 years so that we went out to eat dinner and then we went back home late but she wanted to go back when she wanted to go early but IT WAS TOO LATE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! then i fell asleep i mom was yelling that we were lost because of the GPS and then we called dad and then we talked about the street that we were on and he said it would be okay so we followed what the GPS said and we were at home and the way at the beach was like 1 hour but the way back was like 2 or 3 hours so it wasn't the shortest way anyways today was the same but we were a bit lost we asked someone and we were okay anyways i guess that is all now bye (we also went to this cool hotel called A-ONE seriously though)

coco movie

hi guys it is me focus! and today i am going to talk about Coco the movie! i loved the movie! not as much as kubo and the two strings movie if you seen the movie then good but if you haven't seen it i prefer if you go check it out but this is my second favorite ever but it can't beat Kubo and the two strings i mean like! oh wait a second nah it can't be like what if that skeleton cut scene from kubo and the two strings movie is connected too this movie too! hmm nah anyways i think that is all bye!

the Justice League

hi guys it is me focus! and today i am going to talk about the Justice League and first of all don't even get me started flash doesn't even look like Barry Allen like at least try! aquaman doesn't he like have blond hair not brown and black?! and cyborg isn't he funny? he lost his sense of humor! he is even more serious! but the others are fine but the movie how did he die? he is this movie connected to another movie? and stuff but i don't have a lot to talk about sooooo bye!

visit my grandfather and vacation at the south of Thailand

 hey guys it is me focus! and today i am going to talk about my grandfather! you see my grandfather lives in the southern of Thailand and i visited him there i had to help my grandmother to take care of him for a bit i love so much! i also got bitten by a cat at that day too... but anyways the vacation that we looked around the southern part of Thailand a lot of mountains there and stuff and also i saw this coffee shop there we took a break and some strangers saw me talking English to my dad and then he left to go get his wallet and i sat there and then these strangers started talking to me i talked back... A BIT A LITTLE BIT OKAY I DIDN'T SAY MY NAME OKAY!!!! but yeah it was great now that is all bye

little pony the movie

hi guys and today i am going to talk about my little pony the movie from 2017 i watched it already and i enjoyed it the art is great and stuff and really? other brand new characters than ponies?? Now that is better now i am bored seeing ponies all the time and i like the cat guy and the bird i forgot their names okay! and sometimes twilight can be dumb okay and the storm king? really?! why couldn't you think of a better name? geez these characters but i guess that is all anyways thanks for listening bye!

despicable me 3 movie

 hi there again it is me focus and today it is the movie despicable me 3 movie so let's begin the movie was great and a bit weird but it was okay and the movie was from 2018 so yeah this was the second movie i saw on 2018 it has Lucy aka the mother of three kids that were adopted on the first movie and then there is new bad guy called Brat and he used to be a i don't know a kid that was popular on the TV in 1983 or something in the movie and then he tried to destroy Hollywood for rejecting aka cancling his show and stuff and tried to bring Hollywood into space and stuff anyways check out the movie yourself! and appearently Gru has a twin brother anyways BYE!

watching daddy have his test and a new phone case and pizza

hi again it is me focus and today i am going to talk about this blog (reason why i didn't tell that in the blog but the title because it is too long) anyway today i am talking about this so let's get started i went to my dad's university and stay there a bit while my dad was having his test and also i think the other day we ate pizza of course with my dad and then we then bought a brand new phone case for my phone of course anyways i didn't have much too say anyways bye!

minions the movie

hi again! today i am going to talk about minions the movie anyways the movie was fun it is the second movie that i saw on the movie it was fun i get to see how the minions met Gru spoilers!!it was kinda okay??? i mean no reason by why do they serve the most evil??? geez kid did ya had to freeze rayed (or raied) a freaking adult that is evil and can kill you but instead naw mate do whateveer you want cause enjoy your childhood! anyways i kinda liked the movie i will give it okay anyways that is all bye!